Find Idath is a short top down adventure featuring a strange castle filled with angels in which many angels are not real... 

Only controls are: W,A,S,D

Download the exe and pck file and open the exe file to play on windows if it's a bit slow on your browser.


New Game has no random generation while New game plus randomizes every angel. Use the options to tailor your experience and have fun with the secrets..

Who told you to go North?
What's the 5 letter word?

Hi, My name is Tigran Bleyan and I made this game over the span of 2 weeks. Follow me on Twitter and watch for my videos about Find Idath to see how I came to create the game.

Please message me your thoughts and also your hot takes about the game. I want to know. Let me know if this is dumpster fire, let me know if you can't run it. I would love to chat!

Below are my developer notes on the game! SPOILERS! VVVVV

Find Idath is a top down 2d game with a core loop on interacting with angels. Each angel either has an evil monster called an Angler within it or has a quickly disappearing resource called Faith which is needed to win the game. This creates tension and conflict with every angel as when you approach an angel, you must be ready to either snatch the faith or escape the angler chasing you. There isn’t a described story in Find Idath instead featuring a more inferred story about a castle’s residents who couldn’t place their trust properly in the angels and succumbed to the anglers. The player can go through a story arc as they are originally told they need to go north and find Idath but their real need is to learn to properly trust the angels and snatch enough faith to awaken Idath and escape the castle creating a powerful change in the player. This change in the player is pushed through a message from a former king stating the importance of grabbing the faith angels give and in a wartable that reveals there’s more castle to explore for those who can notice the detail.

The game features 2 central modes: New Game and New Game Plus. In New Game, I have set specifically which angel has an angler or faith and created some environmental storytelling to help guide the player. In New Game Plus, the experience gains all new depth as I randomize whether an angel has faith or an angler, ensuring tension in every angel interaction. There is also a secret boss called the Narrator who originally simply chased the player but I altered to align with the core loop of interacting with the angels. This alteration made the Narrator a more trickster like boss that summoned 8 angels in which he hid in 1 of them. I added Options to allow players to change the 3 most important variables in the core loop: Angler speed, Faith timer and player speed to allow for the players to have the experience they want and also tweak the difficulty to their liking. Hidden Code allows players to play a tense timed mini game all around the core loop and I will hide the code in one of my videos to also entice/reward the players who look through any videos I have about the game.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGodot, Audacity
TagsMinimalist, Top Down Adventure
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Find_Idath_Windows.exe 33 MB
Find_Idath_Windows.pck 5 MB

Install instructions

Download the exe and pck file and open the exe file to play on windows.

Development log

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